Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Old and New

Sketch for the first assignment in Illustration, senior year. The painting turned out so so. I'll have to post it after I fix things.

Simple watercolor, done out of boredom during a class outdoors.

Kind of liking the red col-erase pencil.

Monday, September 6, 2010

And It Goes Again

So, this is it. It's my final year and things have started off slow. I can feel it already getting rocky. I wanted to change my name, but apparently there are a ton of 'Jennifer Hong' names out there. So jhomantic it is (sorry, M-Flo, don't hate me. I'll try to change it to something not as weird as Wtschnitzers).

I hope to get this blog really going once I start working on things. I really need to get into the habit of posting my work, whether it's in process or completed. I know not many people look for or follow me, but that's alright. I have to start tagging things as well. Lots of new things to take into consideration.

If you're in the same boat as me, I wish you luck. Let's have a great 2010-2011 year!

Cheers for now.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh Snap.

Hey peeps. It's been awhile, right? I've just been trying to get a hold of myself as an illustrator. It's some tough love here and it's not really helping the mind at all. I'll be posting up the work I've been doing in the past few months in the coming weeks.

This assignment was for Computer Illustration. I'm quite happy with the class and it's fun and amusing. We had to explore and design a character for a certain genre or type of product, not falling into the trap of generic character designs. I put my character in the genre of children's books or kids' television shows. Poe is like an outerspace Pippi Longstocking and E.T. combined into one.

Scanned pencil and colored in Photoshop CS3

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm still here . . . I think.

So, my scanner is pretty terrible. It does the job in some areas, but obviously not for paintings of any sort. Sigh. So this picture is of bad quality because of that. I'll have to rescan it later.

Decided I needed a new profile pic for Facebook of myself, so I drew it and painted it with watercolor. Little ditty practice.

Once I settle down a bit, I'll be uploading a lot more artwork onto this blog. I really don't want it to die or be a dead blog like my other ones. Here's to making sure it doesn't happen!

Also, Happy Chinese New Year! The Cambodian one is still a way off!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random Post of the New Year!

Everyone's seen this, but I just haven't posted it here. It was a lyrics assignment. I had so many ideas, but this one seemed the strongest to others. I based it off of Kanye West's Street Lights despite it being Kanye. It turned out alright.

Photoshop CS3